Donations and Buttons
Become a Blue Button Ambassador and
Help Spread the Buttons throughout the City
in Preparation for Harold Washington Button Week
That's April 10, 2022 through April 16, 2022
The Mayor Harold Washington Legacy Committee (MHWLC) invites all of Chicago to join us this April 15, 2022, in commemorating what would have been the 100th (Centennial) Birthday of late Mayor Harold Washington.
To commemorate and honor and celebrate Harold Washington we want everyone throughout the city to wear the Mayor Harold Washington Centennial Blue Button (displayed here) during Harold Washington Button Week, which is April 10, 2022 - April 16, 2022. This button is a Centennial souvenir version of the "original blue campaign button" worn by millions of Harold Washington for Mayor supporters during both the 1983 and 1987 Mayoral campaigns.
MHWLC wishes to provide the buttons FREE of charge to as many people as possible. YOU CAN HELP by becoming a button ambassador. Depending on how much you donate, we will send you a number of buttons that you can give away to friends and strangers as free buttons. We will use any portion of your donation remaining after our expenses to support our free button campaign and our organization.
For each $20 you donate, we will send you 30 buttons delivered to your doorstep, and there's no additional charge for shipping. That means, you will receive 60 buttons for $40, 90 buttons for $60, etc. A portion of your donation will be used to pay the shipping costs.
So, we ask that your give generously, and let us recreate the week of April 15, 2022, to be what one TV news reporter in 1983 called a “Sea of Blue, blue buttons everywhere.”